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Homestuck --the Alpha Kids--

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Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- Empty Homestuck --the Alpha Kids--

Post by JENOVA's SOLDIER Wed May 09, 2012 11:32 pm


  • No SBURB, Alpha or Beta. It will be played as though it was never even introduced. Will be played as though the Beta universe never existed that it’s just the Alpha kids.
  • Oh jeez… John and Jade were not sent back some 100 years in the past but live as Jane’s dad and Jake’s mom. This is a little more confusing… since I don’t know what exactly we’re going to do here with these two. (If you don’t want to play John I’ll play him. But you have to play Jade.) They will keep the last names that the Alpha kids have (Crocker and English) since they were changed for a reason in the story and what not *waves hand in a dismissive as fuck fashion*
  • All the kids live in the same time. So Dirk and Roxy live in 2011 with Jake and Jane. This also includes Dave and Rose, living in 2011 with their respective children (even though I’m playing both of them for simplicity).
  • No crazy Alternian empress attempting to take over the world. in other words: Guy Fieri is not evil!! Those damn Juggalos are not the presidents and the world is not flooding or being attacked by drones all the fucking time. It’s all safe and peaceful… and normal. In other words… as AU as fucking possible.
  • Locations stay the same. Dirk/Dave – Texas; Roxy/Rose – Rainbow Falls, New York; Jake/Jane – Island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean; Jane/John – Maple Valley, Washington. Only difference is I need to get Jake a way to come to the mainland America- wait… I thought of something. Nevermind.
  • On Dirk and Dave’s accents. Both of them HAVE a Texan accent. Just out of sheer irony and understanding of the fact that it is a very lame accent they both speak with a Northern accent. They only rarely slip into the Texan accent. Usually when they’re half awake, drunk or… yeah. 83. This is my headcanon. All the time. No exceptions.

((Will be updated as I think of more stuff that I need to type out.))


  • Dirk Strider - JS
  • Jake English -HV
  • Roxy Lalonde - JS
  • Jane Crocker - HV
  • Dave Strider - JS
  • Rose Lalonde -JS
  • John Crocker (<== I’m keeping that)– HV
  • Jade English (May as well just go with it) - HV

((May add more as more come up. I don’t know. ))



Dirk stood up and stretched, his fingers were starting to cramp up from all this typing. Sometimes he wondered why he even bothered with all the explanations he got into, they just ended up being a pain in his ass and no one ever seen to take them in, especially not Roxy, whom he had just been talking to. She was saying that Jake was ‘takin’ off’ and would be at her place within the next few hours. Dirk had taken his time in trying to explain that it would probably take a little more than a couple hours for him to get there from where he was, since the woman clearly had no concept of distance or time.

He himself had to go make sure that Bro was still up for going in the next hour or so. Dirk had made sure that everything was already packed up in the back of the car before he had even thought about telling Bro that they would be going. The man was clearly busy with something or another in his study… if you could really call it that… Bro had never been a book-savvy person. Albeit, neither was Dirk, but at least Dirk was 100% positive that he could read. Bro on the other hand, he wasn’t nearly as positive, especially considering what he wrote.

He knocked on the door to Bro’s study and waited for some form of acknowledgement. None came. He sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose, before opening the door and walking in no matter. Bro was sitting at his desk headphones covering his ears, hand flying across his tablet as he drew up more of his comics. Genius as they were, he really did need to take a break a little more than he did.

Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- Dirkleaning

“Hey Bro.” Dirk says, leaning against the door frame and crossing his arms over his chest. Bro took off his headphones and looks over his shoulder, brows furrowed. ”We going?” Dirk continues, cocking one of his eyebrows.

“Shit, right. I’ll be down in a couple minutes just gotta finish this shit up, lil’ man.” Bro said turning back to his computer, his hand moving much more quickly as he rushed to finish what he was doing. He wasn’t the best at remembering things, Dirk knew that, but the need to constantly remind him about things like this, it was almost annoying.

Dirk sighed as he walked out of his Bro’s room and back into his own bedroom. He looked around for things he might have forgotten and saw nothing in particular. He shook his head and decided he may as well just go wait in the car. He picked up Lil’ Cal and draped him over his shoulder before heading out. “I’m going to go wait in the car! Don’t you dare forget about me!” He yelled, hearing a faint grunt in response. He rolled his eyes and headed outside.


TG: im tellin ya strider I know this shit
TG: you mst think im stupid or somthin but I know about travlin and stuff
TG: strider you there?
TG: hellloooooooooooooooooo?
TG: well fck

tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
ceased pestering timaeusTestified [TT]

Roxy pushed herself away from the corner and pouted at the screen for a moment. Today she was sober, the spelling mistakes… well she just really didn’t care enough to attempt to fix them. It was a drawback of typing fast. Also, dropping letters, made everything so much easier, she didn’t have to worry about that stupid Shift key.

She stood up, Jake really did say he would be a few hours and she was going to hold him to that. She had to tell her mom first though. She forgot whether she had already told Mom but better safe than sorry. Roxy walked down the hall to the door of her mother’s ‘workroom’. Roxy didn’t really define what her mother did as ‘work’ but whatever floats Mom’s boat. She could hear the sound of keystrokes from outside the room; it made her pause for a moment. After a brief respite she knocked on the door with an obnoxious fervour. She heard Mom sigh and the typing stopped so she opened the door.

“Jake said he’s gunna be here in a few hours.”

“I figured as much.”

“Just thought I’d let you know… So. Whatcha workin on?” Roxy asked stepping into the room and attempting to look over her mom’s shoulder. The older woman merely minimized the window and looked over her shoulder and Roxy.

“Work. I have a deadline in a few weeks.” Mom responded with a frown. Roxy fell silent and just shuffled her feet a little bit.

“Oh, well alright then. I’ll just letcha get back to that. I’ll tell ya when he’s here.” She said before backing out of the room and closing the door behind her. She growled slightly to herself and ruffled up her hair; her mother could just be so damn frustrating sometimes. Was it really that hard to have a conversation with your daughter!?

She let out an exasperated huff, throwing her arms in the air before storming down the stairs and proceeding to break into the liquor cabinet. A little bit of the drink wasn’t going to hurt her. She’d been drinking for years now and half the times she did was because of some silly kerfuffle with her mother, like that. A little disagreement that got Roxy all flustered was enough to get her into the liquor cabinet.

Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- Roxyglass

She promised herself though, that she wouldn’t be plastered when Jake got here. She didn’t want his mom to think she was more bonkers than she actually was. Didn’t want Jake to get banned from talking to her for forever.

She was aware that after the few hours it would take for Jake’s flight to land in New York it would be another hour or so long drive before he got to her place… then it would be another long plane ride, that would leave in the morning and they would be chilling on that plane for 6 hours or something. Roxy wasn’t completely sure, she had googled it earlier but she was a little bit buzzed now and couldn’t remember the exact numbers. Ah well, she would figure it out when it came to it, she’d sober up by the time they had to get on the plane.


Dave isn’t completely sure how long he left his little bro out in the car but judging by the look on his face it was probably a lot longer than it should have been. Dave just shrugged it off though, no big deal, the little guy needed to get used to this shit. People weren’t always going to be at his beck and call.

He sat down in the driver’s seat without a word and started up his nice little car. He hummed with the engine as it started up and smiled at the sound as he revved it soon after. He heard Dirk sigh rather loudly from the back seat, and he could practically hear the younger Strider rolling his eyes. Whatever. The sigh is clearly his way of saying ‘Hurry up’ but Dave will have no part in obeying the spiky haired otaku’s whim.

He takes his sweet ass time pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road. He looks in the rear-view mirror and catches Dirk putting in his headphones and pulling Lil’ Cal up into his lap. The kid was going to be preoccupied with his own mind for the entire trip. Dave couldn’t help but wonder whether Dirk ever stopped thinking… he sincerely doubted it.

Dave was aware of the fact that Dirk couldn’t sleep… and he was sincerely thinking of using that fact to his advantage. This drive was supposed to be nearly two fucking days long. He was just going to let Dirk man the wheel when he got to fucking tired. It was perfect and he was sure Dirk wouldn’t be opposed to it.

He waited a few hours before saying anything though. The two of them went through nearly 10 hours without saying a word, they had only had one break to pick up some McDonalds and go to the bathroom before they were back on the road. Dave could start to feel his eyelids drooping as he finally spoke up, “Yo, lil’ bro.” Dirk perked up and pulled his headphones down around his neck, “You wanna take the wheel for a while.” The teenager cocked an eyebrow.

“Sure, you getting tired or something?” Dirk asked. Dave nodded slowly as he pulled the car up onto a patch of nothingness and the two of them proceeded to switch places. Dirk adjusted the seat and the steering wheel (no matter how many times he is told not to fucking touch it; it takes Dave so fucking long to get it exactly where he likes it after Dirk’s fucked with it) and got the car back on the road.

Dave passed out, sprawled out across the back seats. He didn’t wake up until someone shook his shoulder. “Whatimeisit?” He asked in a very tired and groggy voice.

“8 in the morning.” Dirk responded in a monotone voice.

Dave paused. When did he fall asleep again? He was pretty sure it had been about nine or ten, “Shit… have you really been driving for the long?” Dave asked, opening his eyes and look at the clock on the dashboard. It was indeed eight in the goddamn morning.

“Yeah, no big deal. We’re stopped now though. Need gas.” Dave groaned and sat up, looking around at the shitty little gas station they were parked at; but more important, noticing the little café that it was attached to. Oh yeah, he was going to need some coffee.

“Fuck man. I’ll fill ‘er up, you go get some fucking coffee and food.” Dave said. Dirk nodded and reached into Dave’s wallet pulling out a wad of cash before disappearing again. Dave groaned again before pulling himself out of his car and proceeding to fill it up.


He didn’t know how long it was. How many times they had to switch who was driving. Or how many times they had to take breaks for coffee but they were there, a few hours before they should have been. Google had clearly never met a Strider before and didn’t understand how much they were in love with the pedal.

The two Strider’s got out of the car and Dave watched as Dirk struggled with bags. Dave really didn’t want to be bothered so he walked up to the door and knocked.

He had no idea whether or not John would answer, or whether or not John would recognize him. He hoped he did; dear gog he hoped he did. The two of them had been great friends for the longest time. They still spoke on Pesterchum every once and a while. Dave and Rose still spoke all the damn time. From what Dave knew, John still spoke to him and Rose every once and a while, while Jade had completely stopped using Pesterchum after a while. She still sent the occasional letter though, so that was always pretty cool.

Dave had been a little surprised to hear how reluctant John was to letting Jane’s friends come over… maybe this would just end up being a pleasant surprise in the long run, the four of them meeting up. Both generations being friends with one another. From what Dave could tell John was absolutely clueless and that just made everything a whole shit tonne more fun.

Last edited by JENOVA's SOLDIER on Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:43 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 48
Join date : 2012-02-26
Age : 30
Location : Midgar


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Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- Empty Re: Homestuck --the Alpha Kids--

Post by highViscosity Fri May 11, 2012 4:09 am

-- gutsyGumshoe --

Jane sat in front of her computer, trying to keep her distance from her father. It's not that she wanted to avoid him, as she did enjoy the pranks they would play on one another, but today he wasn't in the best of moods. He had told her multiple times that he doesn't like her speaking with people she just met on the internet. "They could be an old man pretending to be a teenager." he would say if the topic was ever brought up (likely done so by him.) How she had managed to somehow get him to agree that they meet up, she didn't know. Jane remembered that he had originally said no and sent her back up to her room without giving her a chance to fight back. Somehow in the time she had been planning to deface his precious movie posters he had changed his mind? It was a good thing he had done so when he did, because those posters wouldn't have been in their current state for much longer. The only catch was that they had to meet up at their house. This way he could "make sure" they were who they really said they were. Jane rolled her eyes. She just knows that he's probably done a background check on them or something. Why he still seems suspicious she doesn't understand. Maybe he hadn't.

There was no time to dwell on these thoughts, however, as Jane had a task that she was set out to do before everyone had gotten there. Since everyone was meeting in person for the first time, it would be a shame that they don't celebrate! And what normal person has a celebration without a cake or pastry of some sort! Slowly opening the door, Jane looked to see if her father was anywhere in proximity of her room. It seemed to be clear - Jane taking the opportunity to make her way quickly to the kitchen. It seems that he has gone out somewhere, the car obviously missing from the driveway. She could relax a little more now around the house knowing he wouldn't pop up questioning her reasons for baking all of a sudden. Jane worked her way around the kitchen pulling out whatever supplies one needed to bake your every day cake. There really wasn't much point in going all fancy now. Making a mess of the kitchen was not on her to do list and neither was her father having a cow about the house being presentable for their guests.

Looking through the cupboards filled with a variety of mixes, Jane was having a hard time finding the cake mix. Her dad wasn't fond of cakes for some odd reason which meant her not having the chance to ever really bake any. Digging into the very back of the cupboard, Jane managed to pull out two boxes of cake mix: one vanilla and one chocolate. Oh the choices she had to make! How was she to decide when both would taste delicious. Pondering on what kind of cake she was going to make as she took out the vanilla icing purchased earlier that day, Jane finally thought of the perfect plan. Why not use both! Jane smiled to herself at her brilliance. For the icing she would use dye to colour it in their type colours on pesterchum and section it off into four. With all of what she needed at hand ready, Jane put her plan into motion.

Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- LMAOWHATHAVEIDONE

-- golgothasTerror --

Thumps, grunts, and moans could be heard through the stairwell from the globe atop the English home. "A-almost...there... fuck!" Jake shouted as his suitcase flew open, clothes and a number of other items flying in all directions. "Drat! Almost had it!" Jake snapped his fingers as he scowled. It had proven to be very difficult to pack what it was he wanted to bring! Already a number of his movies and comic books have been removed much to his displeasure. Maybe it was a good thing he wasn't bringing his trusty arms with him, not that he would be allowed to set foot anywhere in America whilst they're on his person. Sighing, Jake began picking up what was thrown from the piece of shit known as his suitcase. It was old and not the size he'd like it to be, but it was all they had on the island. Once again he found himself folding the clothes he was going to bring. Perhaps he could leave a pair of shorts or a shirt on the island? But he'd rather not risk the chance of being smelly! Usually he wasn't the type to really think about his appearance as it was just himself and his mother on the island. Now that he was indeed going to be around others, Jake found himself rather nervous. He began counting once again how many pants and shirts and undergarments he had. Making sure he had everything, Jake stuffed them back into the suitcase. Though he might be nervous for a number of reasons, that nervous feeling was still being out-shined by the utter excitement of it all. Seeing his online friends in person! Who ever gets to do that! Well, when he thought about it, probably many people, since...well, most didn't live on an island in the middle of the ocean.

Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- WhydidIdothisomgwowisuck

Jake spent several more minutes contemplating on which comics and movies should sadly be left behind and another several finally getting his suitcase closed. He checked the time on his clock, noticing there was still an hour before the plane was to get there. Picking up his suitcase, Jake made the long trek down the many stairs from his room. It proved quite difficult carrying such a heavily weighted item down such a large flight of stairs. One wrong step and he would find himself to be the matching blue of his cerulean babes. A few minutes had passed once Jake was safely down the numerous steps. Jake's footsteps echoed down the halls of the mansion-like home. It was far too large for just two people to be living. Half the time he almost never saw his mother. She would spend much of her time in the ruins and in her study. The both of them did share a movie night every now and then which was nice.

"Mum!" Jake called as he continued to aimlessly walk through the halls. The suitcase might be shitty, but it at least had wheels, making it less shitty to carry around. A faint reply was heard and Jake began to walk towards it. She's in the kitchen he believes? A few moments later he was there and she as well.

"Oh good! You've packed you're things! Did you remember to pack your underwear and toothbrush?" She asked as she went about making a sandwich.

"Of course! That would be quite the predicament one wouldn't want to be in!" Jake replied, placing his suitcase beside his mother's.

The two chattered about as they prepared food for their adventure. It was now only 15 minutes before the plane was to arrive. Jake's excitement was increasing as he enthusiastically walked through their home to the front door. It was about a 5 minute walk to where the plane would be landing (as it was a nice long stretch of land clear of trees.) Jake almost didn't notice his suitcase was ever so slowly making his arm sore as they neared their destination. Jake squinted, trying to see in the distance where the plane might be coming from. The sun was awfully bright, making it hard to really look in the sky where it sat! It was very quiet, almost blocked by the sound of the breeze, but Jake could hear it. He could hear the plane. Holding his hands above his eyes, Jake continuously searched through the clouds. Maybe that wasn't the plane that he heard and he was just going crazy with excitement. He was about to give up when something flew out from behind a large cloud. A large smile spread across his face.

It was quite different than what he had imagined it would be like. Much more so. Very much unexpected. Jake shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He is fine! He's used to high places, his room being in the globe high above his home! It's not like not being attached to the ground in any way was somehow suddenly very different, because it wasn't! He took a peak out of the window to his right. Okay, maybe it was more different than he was trying to convince himself it was. "Oh dear..." he whispered to himself, quickly looking away from the window. Sweat began to form on his forehead as he tried to think of anything but being hurtled through the sky at an unknown speed or that if it broke down they would either drown in the ocean or crash on land. Perhaps watching so many movies about planes hadn't been such a good idea?

Jake had never been so happy to feel solid ground below his feet. He was almost tempted to just lay down and soak in the grounded-ness, but there was no free moment for that. It was go-go-go as soon as the plane landed. Getting their luggage and going through customs. Showing identification and such. It was chaotic, yes, but also very overwhelming. There were so many people. Hundreds and thousands of them. There were so many sounds and voices and everything just seemed to fade into one-another as Jake went through the crowds of people. Just seeing it in movies and hearing it on his TV paled in comparison to the real feeling of being around people. Jake felt really small now - being in such a huge place filled with so many people. He couldn't help but feel relief after getting into the taxi with his mum. The taxi was much quieter and blocked out a lot of noise.

He had to change his attitude! This was an adventure! It was time to explore the world he only ever got to see on television through movies and the occasional web video. He just wasn't used to this is all. Once he's been here for a while it'll be like he was born and raised here. He hoped so anyway.

The roads seemed to go on for ever. On the island it didn't take too long to travel from one end to the next, but in America, it was a whole different story. Riding around in the taxi was a much more likeable choice for Jake (rather than that flying machine,) and he had the chance to see some great places on the way. It was getting increasingly less populated as more and more trees began to take over the scenery. Jake knew they were getting close. Looking over, he saw that his mother was asleep. She must have been unable to sleep last night because she was excited. Jake couldn't blame her! Jake did, however, get a good sleep despite it all. The taxi turned onto a dirt road, slowing down. A sign was getting closer as they drove down the rubble and when close enough, could be read: "Lalonde." It looks like they've finally arrived. Jake's heart started hammering again and his excitement began to rise. He was going to meet his first chum! Exiting the taxi and quickly grabbing his suitcase, Jake hurriedly made his way to the front door. Going up a few steps, the door soon stood him straight in the face. Slowly bringing up his fist, he held his breath and knocked.

Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- Knockknock

-- ectoBiologist --

John really wasn't looking forward to what would be happening that day. He still hadn't understood why he agreed to let Jane meet with her friends she met online, and he doubted he ever would. He looked up from the television towards the clock. There was still four hours before those people would be arriving. John found that he couldn't sit still. All morning he's been rearranging nick-knacks and moving from one form of entertainment from the next. Grabbing the television remote, John stopped the movie he had hoped would take his mind off of the events that were soon to be happening. Even Con Air didn't seem to be helping, and that was his secret weapon of relaxation.

Stretching, John stood up and headed for the door. Maybe he just needed some fresh air to clear his thoughts. He threw on a pair of shoes and closed the door behind himself, locking up before he went. Jane would probably leave her room now that he had left. He knew she was avoiding him because he was opposed to the fact that she was meeting her online friends (she probably didn't want to see him in case he changed his mind at the last second or something.) It's not that John thought that everyone on the internet was out to get her, he just didn't trust them completely is all! Without seeing a face it would be easy to make the mistake of thinking that someone was who they really weren't. He couldn't help but feel like a bit of a hypocrite, considering he met some of his closest friends online when he was a boy, but that's different! Jane is a girl, and should be more worried for her safety. He was aware that two of her friends were males and that had him feeling uneasy. There have been too many incidents in both movies and reality where a teenage girl is lied to over the internet and plans to meet the other person who ends up abducting her! John would not be able to live with himself if his little Jane was ever taken from him by some stranger.

Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- Ohdearhwtahaveidone

He had been walking for a while now, thoughts of Jane's friends and internet safety going through his mind. Apparently taking a walk was not working! John looked at the time on his phone. Wow, he hadn't realized he'd been walking for as long as he did. Turning around, he started to head back. Who knows, maybe they would arrive early? He didn't want to miss them and have Jane welcome them while he wasn't there... Wait. John stopped. What if that did happen? What if they were already in his house? What if they had Jane tied to a chair and they were threatening her. John didn't realize when he had started jogging back home. Why was he so stupid? Leaving the house and Jane alone? On the day unknown people would be coming to their house? If this had been an movie the watcher would be facepalming at this very moment. No words could describe how stupid he felt right now!

It took no time for him to get back to his home while jogging. He must have looked silly running down the streets of the neighbourhood in a dress shirt and bowtie, but that was the last thing that would cross his mind. He slowed as he got closer to the house where an unknown car was parked in front of. Like he thought, they have arrived early, and he had just caught them as one was standing at the door knocking. The fellow looked about his age, presumably the father of Jane's friend (he certainly hoped he was!) Something was off though. He seemed awfully familiar to John who had become very confused by the fact. Getting closer to his home he saw the man had on a very familiar pair of shades. Those were the shades he had sent Dave all those years ago. "...Dave?" he hadn't realized before it was too late that he had called out his friend's name. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if he wasn't Dave! Oh man, that would be so awkward! Luckily for him, the shade wearing man turned in his direction, cocking an eyebrow. John's body seemed to be doing what it wanted today as he found himself quickly heading over to the man and giving him a kind of awkward hug. That hadn't really turned out as he planned, but he shrugged it off. "What are you doing here? Wow, I feel kind of relieved now! I thought you might have been Jane's friend or something." he laughed, rubbing the back of his head while he smiled that same dorky smile he had yet to grow out of.

Posts : 5
Join date : 2012-02-26
Age : 31
Location : Canada

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Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- Empty Re: Homestuck --the Alpha Kids--

Post by JENOVA's SOLDIER Fri May 11, 2012 8:10 pm


So maybe she didn’t quite understand the concept of ‘just a little’ or ‘one glass and that’s that’. After each glass toughed down on the top of the counter the soft clinking sound made her think: ‘Alright maybe just one more.’ Every single time. Without fail.

She had lost count on the number she was on. All she knew was that it was more than a couple because she was starting to get adventurous enough to start mixing up liquids, shaking and stirring new concoctions like some sort of mad booze-scientist. Roxy even found herself fighting back a rather maniacal cackle as she poured one of her drinks together above her head.

Her Mom hadn’t left her office and a couple times Roxy snuck up the stairs and tried to steal a peek at her mother from underneath the door. Two out of the three times she tried this she managed to hit her head on something in the process. The door knob, the door frame or the door itself all seemed to be inviting her head to come say hi in the most physical displays of affection they could muster.

Despite how flattered she was by the door’s obvious displays of affection it was both starting to get really painful and was completely ruining her whole sneaky vibe. She would take off back down the stairs every time she managed to get herself hurt, she would whisper under her voice curse-laden apologies to the door as she did so.

On her third attempt up the stairs she never even for to the door. Her foot got caught on something and said something let out a horrifying wail and she was sent right back down the stairs on her ass. This same something jumped on her stomach as it took off across the room. Frigglish, damn that cat ruining her sneaking even more than the door. In defeat Roxy made her way back to her makeshift laboratory in the kitchen where an assortment of bottles and glasses lay out on top of the counter. She poured herself another glass and started making her way through it as there was a knock on the door.

“Mom!” She started, holding onto that ‘o’ sound for as long as she could before she had to take a breath, “Jake’s here!” Again, she held on to the ‘e’ at the end of ‘here’ for quite the extended period of time. She turned to put her glass down and knocked over a bottle of the unlabeled variety, spilling its contents all over the counter and floor. She cursed quietly to herself as Vodka Mutini pranced over and started licking the liquid off the floor.

She picked up the cat and slung it over her shoulder. She turned and tried to make her way towards the door not bothering to try and clean up her mess at the moment. Her mind was set on answering the door and hoping that Frigglish didn’t get the same booze craving that Mutie seemed to have and decide to get it via the floor while she was answering the door.

The cat jumped off her shoulder and took off into the house but Roxy already had her hand on the doorknob. She looked at him as he ran away and let out a curse before turning the knob and opening the door. She looked at her guests and her face lit up, a huge smile taking over face. “Oh em gee, English, i‘s really you!” She said loudly, her words slurring together as she threw her arms around Jake’s neck and pulled him into a very tight hug. “’s so good to finally see ya’ n’ shit.” She continued, rocking slightly.

“Roxy, you don’t need to harass him right-…” Mom had decided to join the party, but as soon as she looked at her daughter she came to the hasty conclusion, “You’ve been drinking haven’t you.” Roxy just stuck her tongue out at Mom, a definite affirmative. Mom sighed, “Please just let them in, Roxy. I’ll grab their bags and bring them upstairs.”

“Yeah, yeah whatever.” Roxy stated, watching as Mom took their guests’ bags and brought them into the house. Roxy barely noticed the bright smile on Mom’s face as she looked at Ms. English. Roxy was decidedly busy getting Jake into the house without letting go of him and not seriously injuring or killing either him or herself.

“You gunna sleep in my room? We can have some fun. Gotta talk about your action plan, lover boy.” She said before laughing. She let go of Jake finally and ran into the house. She paused at the top of the stairs before running back downstairs and into the kitchen, “Gotta clean up first.” She said kicking Mutie away from the spill and throwing Frig off of the counter. She picked up the cleanest rag she could find just laying wherever and got to work cleaning up her mess.

“Can you keep those cats at bay?” She said to Jake, who she assumed had followed her into the room. “Can’t lets em have anymore. But it’s real nice to see ya’ in the flesh, y’know. And we get ta go see Strider and Crocker tomorrow. Ah man what are ya goin to da with yourself, buddy.” She said with a laugh, just mumbling away at the floor. She really was curious as to what Jake would do about meeting his suitors. She was then faced with the same internal struggle she usually came up with, who she was supposed to side with. Dirk or Jane. Dirk or Jane. It was such a tough choice, almost as tough as the choice Jake had to make.


Rose was actually quite excited, despite herself. She wouldn’t let people know, especially not her little snoop of a daughter. But she typed today with a new fervour, reserved usually for when she got into a real writing groove. This feeling those sent just as many shivers through her body. It had been a very long time since she had seen her friends. Dave, John and Jade… Of course she still spoke to Dave, but it wasn’t nearly as frequent as it should have been. John and Jade though… she hadn’t spoken to in years.

She was well aware that Roxy was friends with the children of her old ‘chums’ and she was quite happy to help them meet. She knew Strider shared this feeling. She was also quite sure that Jade would be all for it as well… John on the other hand. Rose had always assumed that if John were ever to become a parent that he would be one of the very overprotective, overbearing sort… and from what Roxy spoke of him during drunken ramble she was quite spot on with this observation.

When their guests arrived, Rose was a little bit upset with the fact that her daughter was so clearly drunk. Rose thought she would have made at least some attempt to keep herself sober when she was going to be having guests over. Maybe that was a little bit to much to hope for though. Looking past Jake, her purple eyes rested on Jade, it had been a long time since he had seen this woman. She walked forward saying she would take the bags. She took Jake’s and Jade’s. “It’s good to see you again, Jade.” She said with a smile to her old friend before walking into the house again. She tried to use body language that suggested that the two guests could enter as well. Jade was even free to join Rose in taking the luggage up to the spare room if she wanted to.

Rose was aware that she and Jade had a lot to catch up on. She also knew that she would have to fill her in on exactly who all was going to be going to this little meet up over in Washington, if she hadn’t already connected the dots herself. Jade was sharp and Rose wouldn’t put it past her.

She pushed open the door to the guest room. On her way up she had overheard Roxy saying that she expected Jake to stay in her room. Rose did not stay long enough to hear the boy’s response, and she could not say she knew him well enough to guess what his answer would be, though if she were down there at the moment she would definitely advise against staying in the same room as an inebriated Roxy over the course of the night. They would either not get any sleep or Roxy would do something she would seriously regret. She knew it would be in Jake’s best interest to share a room with Jade… but she wasn’t going to push the option on the young man, he was entitled to a choice after all.


No one answered the door very quickly. It was a bit of a pain in the ass really. Dave frowned and looked over at the car; Dirk was still pulling shit out of the car. He seemed to be trying to find a suitable spot to put Lil’ Cal in one of the bags, and the huge ass puppet didn’t seem to want to fit anywhere. Dave rolled his eyes and turned back to the door, knocking on it again.

He heard his name and turned around, cocking an eyebrow before realizing he was looking at John. The smallest of smirks graced his features as he was pulled into a hug. He hugged the other man back, trying to get rid of the awkward feeling. “What am I doing here?” Dave repeated, letting go of his old friend and holding him an arm’s length away. “Man, my son is that friend of Jane’s.” Dave said, motioning with his chin to where Dirk stood, eyebrows furrowed at the strange display of affection from his brother towards Jane’s dad. Dave remembered then that Dirk had no idea that his big Bro knew the parents of all his friends. Well, he’d find that out pretty damn soon.

“John, that’s my son, Dirk.” He said, that small half assed smile was on his face and it looked like it was bothering Dirk a little bit. Dave was usually quite stone faced, but this was John. How could he not smile?

“Man, you really had no idea that your daughter’s friend was a Strider.” He said, rolling his eyes. He reached up and took off his shades rubbing his eyes and slipping them back on again. He was still pretty damn tired, he probably should have let Dirk drive some more. Looking at the teenager he was quite clearly not tired… Dave had serious trouble thinking the guy ever did get tired. He was always awake and Dave had never seen him so much as yawn, let alone actually sleep.

He walked over to Dirk and patted him on the shoulder, “You go on in. I’ll get our shit.” He said. Dirk gave him a hard look but went with it. Dave watched as Dirk walked into the house with one bag slung over his shoulder. The teenager nodded to John before opening the door and walking in like it was his own damn place. Dave had taught the kid well. Dave lifted a couple bags and slung them over his head, resting them on his shoulders. He picked up another and handed it off to John. “Can’t believe you’re getting so protective over your daughter’s internet friends. Dirk informed me that you were not fuckin chill with this whole deal.” He went on, slowly following the direction his son went, up into the house.

“But whatever, it’s really fuckin great to see you again, John.” He said with another smile, a little larger this time around now that he didn’t have to keep up appearances like he did in front of his son. He wanted Dirk to think he was the coolest thing to ever grace the damn planet and smiling like the hugest nerdy loser definitely wasn’t going to help that in the least.

Inside he lifted the bags from over his head and dropped them on the floor in the living room with a huff. He stretched a little before flopping down on the couch; it had been for fucking ever since he was last at John’s… fifteen years? Something like that. No matter what, it had been way to long.

He could hear voices in the direction and smell freshly baked cake, definitely not John’s doing. Jane must be in there or something, chatting it up with Dirk. The thought actually made Dave happy… friendship through generations? That was pretty damn awesome. He couldn’t help but be a little anxious, wanting Rose and Jade to get there sooner than they were going to. It was almost disappointing to think that they wouldn’t get there until the next day… but, despite himself, Dave thought he could wait. It would totally be worth it to see the look on John’s face when they met Rose and Jade at the airport.


Dirk couldn’t say that he was incredibly excited upon reaching Jane’s house. Even Bro seemed more excited by the fact that they were there. Dirk busied himself with getting everything out of the trunk of the car and occasionally looking up to see if Jane had answered the door. He was, in fact, a little bit surprised when an older man with black hair came up and hugged his Bro. That was definitely strange… he went on to guess that it was Jane’s dad.

Ignoring the fact that it was really weird seeing his Bro be all friendly with people who were pretty much strangers Dirk tried to ignore it by trying to get Cal into one of his bags. Okay, maybe he brought a little bit too much stuff, but it couldn’t have been helped. He did manage to get the entirety of the puppet into one bag as Bro told him he could head on in. Dirk was all too happy to go with it. He walked into the house as though he had been there a billion times before and navigated the layout as though it was his own house.

He could smell the cake as soon as he walked in and figured out where Jane was, it wasn’t really a surprise though, of course she would want to bake something for their first time all meeting one another. It made sense, and Dirk wasn’t going to be the one to argue with her.

He walked into the kitchen and put his stuff down by the door, “Yo, Jane. Good to see you.” He said with a straight face. He was happy to see her but he didn’t really think he had to smile like an idiot to get that across. Especially since he made the sentiment as clear as he could through his words. It was another reason that he found even that small smile from his Bro so damn strange, it just wasn’t the way they were.

He could hear them coming inside, but kept his attention on Jane. This was his first time actually seeing her, but she looked a lot like how he would have pictured her. It made him wonder if he looked the way they pictured him… or how they pictured him in the first place. He didn’t linger on the thought though. He stepped over to the counter and picked up an empty box of Betty Crocker cake mix. He frowned at it but didn’t say anything. He had always had a bad feeling about the whole Crocker corp. thing, but that was probably a little rude to bring up in front of the corporation’s heiress.

“Just to let you know, our dads’ are doing some insanely weird bonding outside.” Dirk said setting down the box again and looking at his friend, “Do they know each other or something? Would make everything a lot weirder.” He said, shaking his head. He wasn’t really expecting a big show of affection from Jane, the most he was expecting was a hug. That would be something he could do… he wouldn’t initiate it, even if it was for completely ironic purposes, but he could definitely reciprocate.

He was tempted to ask if Jane knew when Roxy and Jake would be getting over here, but kept the question to himself. This was probably some sort of time when the two of them were supposed to be bonding or something. He couldn’t spoil the mood by bringing up other people. Maybe later.


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Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- Empty Re: Homestuck --the Alpha Kids--

Post by highViscosity Sat May 12, 2012 3:27 am

-- gardenGnostic --

It had been quite a while since Jade's left the island she calls home, this being the first time with her son Jake. She loved how excited he was being and couldn't help but let the excitement bubble up in herself as well. Why not! It's been a long time since she's had a break from work and studying the ruins (even though she does enjoy doing both of these things,) but not having to think about anything and just relaxing is a nice change of pace.

She loved getting the chance to fly over the ocean on the plane as the scenery was just lovely. Jade did notice that Jake wasn't having the same feelings on the matter. That was too bad, she had hoped that Jake would find the same joy in it as herself, and she was pretty sure he had hoped so as well. Perhaps it just wasn't something for everyone.

It was weird being around so many people (though she has been away from the island for work as well as other reasons before this,) but she couldn't imagine how Jake was feeling. He's never been around people, not to mention there were a lot more than she had expected at the airport, and that worried her. She constantly found herself looking back to see how he was doing. Half the time it looked as though he wasn't even there - just this blank face. Jade would have held his hand, but she was sure he wouldn't have wanted to, claiming that he was too old for such things or that he could handle this new adventure.

She was relieved to have found him more relaxed in the taxi. He was doing pretty well for a guy whose been cooped up on an island away from the world. Maybe it was all those movies that he's watched that have given him a better idea of what to expect and do in certain situations. The car ride was a lot longer than she had expected it to be and she found herself becoming very sleepy, her eyelids drooping ever so slowly shut. A nap wouldn't hurt and the taxi knew where it was going, she had nothing to worry about.

Jade woke up to the sound of a car door slamming shut. She was apparently out of it longer than she had originally expected she would be. Rolling her shoulders and undoing her seat belt, Jade stepped out of the taxi. There was so much nature and Jade couldn't help but think that these trees were awfully familiar! Looking around she noticed Jake was already making his way to the front door... which also looked strangely familiar! Jade looked at it suspiciously. Was she missing something? Jade continued to question this as she retrieved her bag from the trunk. She had just gotten to the front door when it opened revealing a young girl about the same age as Jake. Behind her another familiar face emerged and it finally clicked. This was Rose's home! No wonder she had found everything so familiar! "Oh my gosh Rose! It's so great to see you! It had completely slipped my mind that this was where you lived!" she exclaimed as she reached out to give her a hug. How had she missed that this was the same address she wrote on those letters she sent. She hadn't sent one in a long time... maybe that's why the numbers just slipped by her without her knowing. What does it matter anyway - she got to see Rose again!.

Jade handed the bag to Rose and they headed to where she assumed would be the guest room. It was surprising really... how the name Lalonde had never been brought up between the two of them. Whenever she she was free from her work (which was sadly rare,) to bond with Jake they would usually watch movies or go on small adventures together. Jake would talk about them, yes, but not too often, and only using their first names. For all she knew, his other two friends were the children of John and Dave! Oh how fun that would be!

Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- Goingupstairslolderp

Once settled in the two began to catch up on all the years they haven't spoken. Though the two of them haven't been in much contact over the years, it was as if nothing had really changed, almost like they were just picking up from where they left off. Jade was very curious as to what they were planning to do once they met up with the others (the assumption that they were Dave and John being correct.) She couldn't wait to see the others and for them to be in one place together! How they have changed in appearance was all going to be a surprise. Rose had turned into a very refined beautiful woman and Jade could only assume that both John and Dave were the same (but handsome men.)

It was soon getting late and both decided it was time to turn in. They had to get up early if they wanted to be on time.

-- gutsyGumshoe --

Jane was busying herself with cleaning the kitchen when she heard the door's lock click. Looking outside she could see an unfamiliar face coming up the driveway with a suitcase and bags in hand. That must be Dirk! Jane made her way closer to the window to get a better look at him. He wasn't exactly what she had expected. Though his hair was sticking up, she thought it would be crazier, like with colours or something. She was really off the mark on that one! The voice of her dad could be heard from the hall accompanied by an unfamiliar one. Her guess being it's Dirk's dad. Jane peaked around the corner to get a look at Dirk's father. He really did look cool, though he was smiling and Dirk said something about them never smiling? He must have been exaggerating.

Heading back over to the sink Jane busied herself with the dishes. She didn't want the kitchen to be too messy once Dirk gets in. Jane quickly put the bowls and cooking utensils into the dishwasher and closed it just as Dirk entered the kitchen. "It's great to finally meet you!" she said as she walked over to the younger Strider. Jane gave him a quick squeeze before he could have had the chance to hug back (she wasn't too sure he would so she didn't want to take a chance and look silly!)

Jane's face contorted into one of confusion when Dirk mentioned their fathers maybe knowing one another. "Really?" she asked, puzzled. She quickly skirted over towards the kitchen entrance and took a peek into the living room. They did seem to be getting along well, even sitting closer to one another than two people having first met would. "That would be kind of weird if they did. What are the chances something like that would happen!" she stated, walking back over into the centre of the kitchen. There was still a few minutes before the cake layers were done.

"How was the ride over here? You must be tired. That's a really long drive." Jane started, making conversation. Dirk hadn't made a single expression since he'd been there, not that it'd been long since he got there, but it was still odd. He was definitely a hard person to read.

Jane continued working on her cake as they made small conversation. It was definitely strange talking in person since she didn't really get a chance to think before she spoke (unless she wanted a really long pause.) She slathered the chocolate layer of cake with vanilla icing and plopped the vanilla on top. Taking out 4 more bowls, Jane evenly distributed the vanilla icing into the bowls. Grabbing a small box on the counter, Jane took out a number of colours required to dye the icing to correctly match each of their pesterchum font colour of choice. Roxy, Jake, and her own colours were easy, just needing the blue, green, and pink dyes. Jane had always wondered why they never had orange as its own dye, so she always had to mix the red and yellow. This cake was going to look great once she was finished!

Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- Janedyingdirkwatchinglolthatsoundsreallyweird

She couldn't help but worry that she was boring Dirk with her baking and asked if he had wanted to do anything that didn't involve just standing there. There wasn't much for his type to do around the house considering much of what they owned probably didn't fall into either the 'cool' or 'ironic' category. She hoped he had something in mind to keep himself from being bored. Just in case, Jane gave him their internet password.

-- ectoBiologist --

John just stared at him blank-faced. So this entire time he was telling Jane not to talk on the internet with people she didn't personally know she was actually talking to the son of his best friend. John felt kind of stupid now. If only Jane had mentioned his last name! Then he wouldn't have minded her talking to Dirk. He felt kind of guilty now too. It was probably his own fault that she never mentioned them as he would have likely brought up internet safety and what-not.

"Oh man, I really had no idea!" he exclaimed as they walked into the house, "I just can't help but feel worried. The world is a lot more dangerous now than when we were kids and the internet is no exception... Wow that sounded kind of bad now that I'm actually listening to myself." he said, staring off into space. Had his father said this stuff to him when he was younger he wouldn't have been very happy. He was likely to just keep on doing it anyway and ignore all of what he said. No wonder Jane avoided him more often! He's got to learn to trust her more.

"Yeah, I can't believe I am actually in the same room as you! I still don't believe it." he laughed, smiling back. It was great getting to see Dave again. He hadn't felt this happy in a long time, maybe due to his lack of social interaction outside of work. Jane was being distant lately as well, so he had been feeling kind of lonely.

He followed Dave over to the couch and sat beside him. By the look of it Dave seemed really of tired, he noticed the bags under his eyes earlier when Dave took of his shades. The drive down must have taken a lot out of him. "Hey, uh, if you need to take a short rest or anything, just let me know. The guest bedroom is prepared so you can go up whenever you feel the need! Not sure if you'll be wanting to share with your son? If not I can always sleep on the couch and you can take my bed. You both had a long trip." That sounded more awkward than he had originally thought. He didn't really know their relationship so he wasn't sure if they were comfortable in sharing a room is all!

The smell of cake was becoming increasingly intolerable. John didn't like cake at all, and he was happy that Jane respected this strange distaste for the fluffy pastry and didn't bake it. He assumed she had decided that now was the best time to bake since they would be having so many people in one place (whether he liked it or not.) John headed over to a window and opened it, trying to air out the smell. "Might as well bring the luggage upstairs now." John grabbed most of the bags and started to head upstairs, using this as an excuse to move away from the smell, if only for a short period of time. He still had to show Dave the guest bedroom anyway.

-- golgothasTerror --

It was no surprise to Jake when Roxy opened the door and the smell of alcohol filled the air. Perhaps he was wrong in assuming that she might have made the decision to close the alcohol cabinet for their arrival? Not that it bothered Jake in the slightest, as most of their conversations were with her under the influence. Roxy pulled him into a tight hug, catching him off guard. He felt a little awkward, hugging back ever so slightly, not sure where he was allowed to touch, if at all. Maybe his uneasiness was clear on his face, as Roxy's mother chimed in. The hug finished, Jake mucking around with his clothes to try and hide it awkwardness, (though in doing so likely made him look all the more so.)

"It is such a pleasure to finally meet you in person Roxy! Putting a face to the name is quite refreshing!" Jake handed his bag to Ms. Lalonde and was soon getting pulled inside by Roxy. Being around someone who he's become close friends with is such a great feeling, though still very new to him. The island hasn't exactly given him any opportunity to be in proximity with people that are not his mum.

Jake took in his surroundings as they walked to Roxy's home. This really was going to be such a great adventure! If a person had a chance to see Jake's face, they would probably come to the conclusion that it was like one of a child who just entered a huge candy store.

"P-pardon?" Jake asked. "Oh I couldn't possibly! It would be very ungentlemanly of me to accept your offer of spending the night in your quarters!" Every movie he's ever seen where the male and female leads share a room it never seems to turn out well. He also doubted he'd be able to sleep in the company of another, especially of someone who he's never met and he wasn't exactly used to people yet. Jake would more likely than not end up laying there staring at the ceiling, unable to get a wink of rest. "Though I can still spend time with you in your room before I retire for the night. Nothing wrong with that!" What was that? Lover boy? Must be some drunken babble or something like that.

He followed Roxy into the kitchen where it appeared that something had spilled. Judging from the smell that's engulfed the entire room, one would assume it was an alcoholic beverage of sorts. As he was asked to do, Jake tried to keep the cats away from the liquid as Roxy slopped it up with a rag. "Goodness are these cats ever wiggly!" Jake was having trouble keeping hold of them as they continued to try and escape the grasp he had on them. Apparently they really wanted to lap at that alcohol.

Jake put the cats down when Roxy finished cleaning up the floor. He couldn't quite hear what she was saying while she had been wiping up the drink, much of it just sounding like a bunch of slurs, catching a few words here or there. It's kind of difficult to hear when someone is mumbling into an alcohol drenched floor.

Roxy put the rag away and continued on her way to her room, Jake following close behind. It was no surprise to Jake when he entered and saw a huge array of wizards and cats of many kinds. It was also very pink, quite fitting for the room of Roxy he thought to himself. Her room was very close to how he had imagined it would be, her appearance as well. He wouldn't have known how to react if everything was opposite to what he had imagined. He would have had to laugh at himself.

"You can definitely tell this is the room of Roxy Lalonde." He stated, still looking around at the unfamiliar space.

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Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- Empty Re: Homestuck --the Alpha Kids--

Post by JENOVA's SOLDIER Mon May 14, 2012 5:49 pm


The hug was very quick, as though she was nervous as to how he would react to it. It was almost laugh worthy in itself but he didn’t say anything about it. He wasn’t going to go out of his way to be overly affectionate or anything. He kept his eyes on her as she went and looked at their fathers out in the living room. “Slim. Very slim.” He answered her question with a small nod knowing that it was weird that they were so close and that the chances of them knowing one another were entirely slim… but this was Bro they were talking about… so maybe it wasn’t that slim a chance.

“The ride was long. Bro was asleep for half the ride though, made me drive most of it.” He said, shaking his head, “I’m not tired though. To be honest I was pretty excited and I didn’t think I’d be able to sleep.” Dirk finished with a small shrug and a pathetic huff of a laugh. “And I’m used to not sleeping much, so it’s not a big deal.”

It was quite clear that Jane thought she was being boring. Dirk didn’t think she was, he was quite happy with how things were going. He noticed as his bag disappeared from beside him, catching what was probably the briefest of glimpses of Bro before he flashstepped out of the room with his bag. Such a normal occurrence that he didn’t even think twice of it.

When Jane gave him the password to their internet he just shrugged, pulling up a chair for himself and sat down. “Nah, I’m fine with talking to you.” He said with the smallest of one pixel smirks. “So… just wondering, what are you expecting Roxy and Jake to be like in person? I’m probably not exactly how you pictured me.” He said, trying to strike up an interesting conversation that would both easily be able to get into.


Dave rolled his eyes as John went on about the dangers of the internet and society these days. Dave himself had never been worried about that shit, not when he was a kid and not now that Dirk was all over the damn internet himself. “Yeah, that did sound pretty bad dude. Talk about bein’ a hypocrite.” Dave said with the smallest of smirks in John’s direction. Man, he couldn’t argue it though, John was one hell of a father. Dave had always acted like a bro to Dirk, and he didn’t try and be so protective of the kid, never had. He trained him the same way he had been trained when he was a kid but that was pretty much the most they did bonding wise.

He dropped that thought quickly enough, he wasn’t fond of thinking about his relationship with his little bro. John sat down next to him and he didn’t take his eyes off of the other man. He was impressed with john’s ability to deduce the fact that he was tired as fuck but he didn’t say anything about it just nodding slowly and shrugging. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll share with Dirk.” He said, no matter how awkward that would end up being. He was sure if it got to bad one of them would just take off to stay on the couch anyway, so it didn’t really matter.

Dave was quite enjoying the smell of cake wafting through the house. Back down in Texas they never got shit like this for themselves. Dirk had never been fond of pastry shit and probably wouldn’t have appreciated it if Dave had gone out and bought them some or if he had attempted to make the shit… which… thinking about it now, wouldn’t have ended very well anyways, so maybe it had been a good idea to steer clear of the whole baking scene.

Dave stood up, “Alright.” He said picking up what was left of the luggage. He noticed Dirk’s bag just inside the kitchen and flash stepped to pick it up and join John on the stairs. Inside the guest room Dave set down his and Dirk’s bags and eyed the bed. Alright… a nap sounded like a good fucking plan. Standing here now he realized he was good as the walking dead. He let out a sigh and shook his head. He took off his shades as he sat down on the side of the mattress.

“Y’know what. Sleep sounds like a good idea right now,” he set down his shades before reaching over and grabbing John’s wrists, pulling him down on the bed next to him, “but why don’t you join me,” he added with a small laugh, pulling John into a tight embrace that he wasn’t going to let up any time soon.


When she finished with all this blasted cleaning she just threw the dirty cloth into the sink and pushed all the bottle into the corner of the counter making sure caps were on all of them. She would come back to them later. Maybe she would show Jake some of her signature mixes… even though she had a lingering feeling that he wouldn’t really appreciate her art.

“Aw come on, what’s the problem with sharing a bed?” She asked slinging her arm around his neck and ruffling his hair only succeeding in making it stand up even more than it already was. A true feat that Roxy was sure only she could pull off, because that shit was pretty messy without anybody’s help. “You make no sense. You’d share a bed with Strider if ya had to. Just cuz he’s like… your bro or some shit. Am I not a bro. I think I’m pretty broish. Is that a word? Broish? It should be. I’ll ask Strider to add it to the dictionary for me. The definition can be ‘what Roxy is’.”

She rambled on about the definition of broish and how she was a bro just as much as Dirk was and that he didn’t have to worry about sharing a bed with her just because she was a girl and she didn’t have a penis. She giggled when she said ‘penis’ it was like the funniest thing she had ever heard come from her own mouth. When they finally entered her room she was pretty sure she had brought up enough arguments. The one she had just started on was the fact that Dirk had a ‘thang’ for Jake.

“I mean if you’re gunna share a bed with me at least ya won’t haveta worry bout bein all attacked and shit in the middle a the night.” She said flopping down into her ever so comfortable mountain of stuffed cat wizards. She motioned rather nonsensically to nothing, “I mean… no offense or anything, but you’re not my type. I like blonds with pale skin. Not that your outdoorsy look isn’t something other people enjoy.”

She totally missed Jake’s comment on how it looked like the room that belonged to Roxy Lalonde. Of course it did. If she had heard the comment she probably would have just hit him over the head for it accusing him of being stupid.

“So, I was serious. What are ya going to do about your to admirers. You can tell me, I’m not gunna judge you, bro.” She said with a laugh. She spoke as clearly as she could, she was very aware of what she was saying this whole time, she just happened to rattle off everything that came to her mind. It wasn’t that she didn’t speak clearly, it was just a little bit slurred… it was more the fact that she spoke very, very quickly.


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Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- Empty Re: Homestuck --the Alpha Kids--

Post by highViscosity Tue May 22, 2012 3:05 pm

-- gutsyGumshoe --

Jane nodded in agreement. "I probably wouldn't be able to sleep much either!" The whole idea of driving a long distance to meet with your friends is a very exciting one. It's too bad that her home was the destination chosen for them to meet up at. It would have been fun to travel and see things she's never seen before along the way. Still she found herself waking up earlier than usual when the days were getting closer to the date of their meet up. It was like Christmas when she was younger and she would wake up far to early and have to wait for Dad to get up (though he would often wake up earlier than usual too.)

Dirk's question made her stop for a second. What they all looked like... That was a very good question! Jane continued to stir the icing as she answered. "Yes, you're not exactly how I pictured you... I thought your hair might be a little more, um, colourful?" She tried picturing him now that she knows what he looks like but with the hair she had always imagined he'd have. Jane smiled and held in a giggle at the image she just thought up. Dirk was a good looking guy though, so he'd probably be able to pull it off somehow without looking silly.

"I'm probably going to be way off about Roxy and Jake too." She laughed, moving on to the next bowl. "I've always pictured Roxy with straight brown hair ending just below her shoulders? Oh, and with a lot of makeup." Jane thought the image suited her anyway. She hadn't noticed it before, but they've never really talked about their appearances with one another. Maybe a comment here or there about their having a bad hair day or glasses being smudged, but nothing past that. It kind of added to the mystery. "Since Jake lives on an island I always thought he would be tanned and have a lighter hair colour. Maybe dirty blonde? And he has glasses, I know that." She didn't realize but she had begun to smile as she was talking about Jake's possible appearance. He would look really cute with blue eyes against tanned skin and with a perfect smile! Her thoughts were wondering and she almost dropped her spoon.

"Whoops!" good thing she managed to grip it again. It had a lot of green icing on it she didn't want to waste. "What about you Dirk - was I what you expected? And what do you imagine they'll look like?" She was really curious about what Dirk thought both Roxy and Jake would look like (especially Jake.)

-- ectoBiologist --

John walked into the guest bedroom and set the bags down in the corner out of the way. The room was kind of small, but it was big enough for a one night stay. Just before John had the chance to leave to give Dave some time to sleep, he found himself being pulled down by the wrists. An odd noise escaped his mouth as he was pulled from the surprise. After being seated on the mattress he soon found himself laughing at Dave's comment, feeling himself being pulled into a tight hug.

Some memories started to float up as he sat there, remembering the times when they were younger. Similar things happened where they would sit closer than most best bros would or if they were watching a movie and their hands wound up touching between them they wouldn't move them. John admits to having some feelings for Dave, (though it took him a really long time to be true to himself with these feelings,) but he still doesn't believe himself to be a homosexual... Dave is just special!

Thinking about it now, it has been a long time since they last saw or spoke with one another. He was wondering if he even still had these feelings for Dave. John brought himself out of his own thought when he tried to move into a more comfortable position, doing so by getting into closer proximity with Dave. He brought his hands up and wrapped his arms around Dave's neck, smiling at him. If the fluttering of his chest wasn't an indication for his feelings, then he didn't know what was!

"I guess a nap couldn't hurt."It's not like John had been able to get a good sleep these past few days. A continuous wave of nightmares where Jane was in trouble in some way would wake him up. It was a relief he didn't have to worry too much about that anymore.

Pulling himself further up on to the bed and reluctantly out of Dave's grasp, John crawled his way to the other side of the bed. He laid down on his side facing Dave, taking him in. Even though he hadn't seen Dave in such a long time, he was still glad he hadn't changed too much.

-- golgothasTerror --

Jake was finding it impossible to get a word in edgewise. Roxy was a very fast speaker and was moving from one topic to the next making it hard for him to follow. Every time he tried to speak, he was only able to get out a slight sound as he lifted his hand and pointed with his finger as one would to make a point before she was on to her next argument. Perhaps it was best he agree with her and just sleep in her bed? She was starting to make comments about penises and being attacked in the middle of the night and what her type was.

"Your arguments are making it quite difficult for my wanting to say no Roxy. Perhaps I was being overly cautious?" Jake let out a slight laugh as he mucked around with his hair. "Sleeping in your room tonight shan't be a problem then!" It should be fun getting to be with Roxy. Jake wasn't betting that they would get much sleep though. He felt as though Roxy might be yapping his ear off all night. She was a very funny lass so these conversations will prove themselves to be not boring in the slightest.

Jake wasn't exactly sure how to go about this conversation. He still wasn't sure of his own feelings on the matter! "Well, I have had conversations with both Jane and Dirk where I cannot help but feel they could have possible feelings of a romantic nature towards me? But I still don't even really know how I feel about it, you know?" Jake found himself taking a seat on Roxy's bed, mucking around with his hands nervously. "Do you by any chance have some advice on the situation at hand?"

Jake was surprised with how easily these things were coming out of his mouth. Roxy was making out to be quite the easy person to talk to, and this he was glad for. She was really the only one he could talk to anyway, aside from his mum whom he wouldn't feel very comfortable discussing such topics with.

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Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- Empty Re: Homestuck --the Alpha Kids--

Post by JENOVA's SOLDIER Tue May 22, 2012 8:05 pm


Dirk rested his arms on the back of the chair he had gotten himself and rested his chin on top of them. He didn’t take his eyes off of Jane, not that anyone would be able to tell or anything. “Colourful? I came off as colourful… I don’t know… maybe I could pull it off.” He said staring for a moment at his blond bangs that hung just above his vision. He had never thought about colouring his hair, the blond just suited him so well. He probably wouldn’t act on changing it but it was kind of amusing to entertain the thought.

He didn’t move an inch as she explained what she thought their friends looked like. Very different from what he imagined and hearing her explanations he was starting to rethink what he thought the two of them would look like. Weighing the differences in descriptions with what he knew for certain about them… he was afraid he would have to stick with his own observations. Time would tell of course, but he really couldn’t picture Roxy as a brunette no matter how hard he tried.

He wasn’t oblivious to the smile that graced Jane’s face when she spoke about Jake. Maybe it bothered him a little bit but he wasn’t going to show it. All was fair in love and war… this love was just a war he was going to win; no big deal.

“Yes, you are exactly how I pictured you.” He said with a nod, “As for what I imagine they’ll look like?” He repeated quietly to himself humming softly. “Well I’ve always pictured Roxy as a paler girl with slightly curled blond hair ending above her shoulder. Mature looking despite her immature behaviour… small chested but with big hips and a drunken ass grin constantly plastered on her face.” He explained. Was he going into a little more detail about her shape than was necessary? Yeah probably but this is what he pictured he was just being truthful.

“Jake on the other hand. Always pictured him with tanned skin. Messy black hair. Big dorky glasses. Bucked teeth. Lame shorts. Thin build.” He found the way he described Jake quite mechanical. He honestly wasn’t sure why it came out that way he had a feeling it had something to do with trying to cover up the feelings he actually had for the man. He didn’t know how well it worked, and thinking about it now he felt incredibly lame for doing it. “And I always assumed both of them would have eyes the same colour as their font on Pesterchum… I mean, you do… and I well,” he let out a small huff of a laugh and shook his head, “Well it’s the same for me.” He admitted, he wasn’t completely comfortable sharing the strange hue of his eyes… but this was one of his best friends and his one true rival, he could share that little detail about himself to her, as long as she didn’t ask to see them.

“You gunna be done that cake soon… I’m… kind of hungry.” He said with the smallest of smiles in Jane’s direction. Despite his dislike of pastries he was pretty sure he could stomach it for a friend.


It was so nice being this close to John again after all of those years. To be honest he didn’t really want to let go and he was invisibly soaring up to cloud fuckin nine when John went along with it and clung to him back. But that was it and as quickly as he had gotten all fucking snuggly he was pulling himself to the other side of the bed. “Of course a nap couldn’t hurt.” He said reaching forward and taking John’s glasses off of his face and putting them down beside the bed next to his abandoned shades. He looked back into those blue eyes for a moment before letting his eyes slip shut.

He didn’t let himself fall asleep; he was pretty damn good at faking it. Sure he was actually tired but he was waiting for the perfect time to wrap himself back around John and he wanted the other man to be completely defenseless when he decided to strike.

But these thoughts to attack John sort of failed before they could start as Dave fell asleep with a small groan to himself, his candy red eyes slipping shut as sleep consumed him. Even in sleep though he couldn’t help it. He didn’t often sleep in the same bed as anyone… ever. But when he did he had a horrible habit of wrapping his arms around them and holding them to his chest. Years ago, back when Dirk had been very young, the boy had complained about it all the time. Dave had always just shrugged it off.

Here though… he would be happy to wake up with John in his arm. He would never admit it to the guy, but he had always sort of had a thing for him. He had always just assumed that John just wasn’t a homosexual as he had always, rather eloquently, put it. Dave had joked about it and John had always joked along with him. He was pretty sure even now John just thought it was a joke. The guy wasn’t even allowed to know anymore that everything back then had made a shit tonne of little fireworks go off in his stomach.

He hummed in his sleep as his face rested in John’s hair, for now they were kids again. John really hadn’t changed much at all so it was so easy to imagine they were back in time. It was pretty fucking relaxing to be completely honest and he didn’t really want to take up and be moved from this peaceful position.


Roxy couldn’t help but laugh slightly and put the biggest grin on her face as Jake caved and said he would stay in her bedroom for the night. She would hold a toast to this moment but she hadn’t poured herself a drink to bring upstairs. She pulled one of her blush cat wizards up into her lap and started idly playing with it, holding it up by its front paws and make it dance idly on her lap. “It’ll be loz a fun.” She said with a drunken giggle followed by a not so graceful snort, which just made her laugh more loudly.

She calmed her laughing as Jake started talking about Jane and Dirk. She rolled her uniquely hued eyes in a very exaggerated fashion, her entire head moving with the action, “Always so fuckin’ observant.” She had to carefully pull herself through the word ‘observant’ to keep herself from mispronouncing it. “A’ course they have feelin’s for ya! They practically gush everywhere when they talk bout ya!” She said accidently flinging her stuffed cat across the room as she moved her arms to strengthen her argument. She looked at it as it hit her TV and fell to the floor and bit back a laugh.

She looked back up at Jake before leaning forward, resting her chin in her hands and smirking at him. “Oh, so ya want advice huh? How bout~” She paused to think about it for a moment before laughing at her own genius, “How bout cha go with the one who’ll put out the fastest.” She winked at him, “Huh? Huh? Y’know who that is, right?” she winked a couple more times before mouthing ‘Dirk’ but accidently saying it out loud.

She laughed again for a while longer, flopping back into her comfy pile of stuffed animals. She fell silent and exhaled deeply before sitting up again and waving her hand dismissively. “But seriously. I’m not gunna tell ya who I think ya should go for.” She said with a small shrug, “Do ya think you could like either of em? They’re both pretty awesome and shit. Strider’s like your bro and … Janey’s like… well uh… Jane…” She laughed again. “Anyway’s whatcha think they’re gunna be like in person? You gotta be pretty fuckin’ excited about it!” She said.

“I sorta think they’re gunna be just like how I think y’know. Dirk’s gunna be all tall and muscley with blond spiky shit otaku hair and shades to match. His mouth is just gunna be a tight fuckin line on his face. I wonder if he smiles… I doubt it… he’s almost as much of a tight ass as Janey!” She said, tilting her head back and rambling on.

“And Janey’s gunna be all big boobed with black hair and the cutest most pinchable cheeks. And she’d probably a real light weight too.” Upon describing Jane’s chest briefly she cupped her own boobs for a moment, not really caring what would make Jake feel uncomfortable. She sat up and looked at Jake, “Maybe we can get that pole out of her tush too, make her chillax for a little.” She said with a bright smile.


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Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- Empty Re: Homestuck --the Alpha Kids--

Post by highViscosity Wed May 23, 2012 10:10 pm

-- gutsyGumshoe --

It wasn't a surprise to Jane when Dirk's idea of what their friends looked like was a lot different from her own. She tried picturing his idea of what the both of them looked like. How he described Roxy actually sounded like a good possibility... though she found it odd how he put so much detail into her appearance. Maybe he liked her? Jane mentally shook her head. There was no reason to come to such conclusions! Maybe Roxy had just mentioned to him more about her looks than she did to her? It didn't really matter.

What mattered was his thoughts on Jake's appearance! It was far from what Jane had pictured and she kind of hoped she was right? Not that if Jake looked like how Dirk pictured would be bad or anything - she herself didn't exactly have the straightest teeth in the world. But she couldn't help but want him to turn out looking like her imagined Jake. Jane had always liked lighter hair colours; probably due to herself having thick black hair. It wasn't exactly the easiest hair to style and manage which is why she always keeps it short (though she has seen some lucky people with nice tamable black hair.)

She was getting off topic, and that important topic is Jake! Jane knew he had glasses, but she never thought them to be big and dorky. And she never would have thought up lame shorts. Maybe shorts that come to about the knee with plenty of pockets that are baggy, but when you put lame in front of shorts it's not hard to instantly picture really short tight shorts. Oh no, she was imagining it.

Jane probably had the strangest look on her face. She tended to make faces without even being aware of the fact while she was deep in thought. A habit she formed since she always spoke with people on the computer and didn't really have to think about her appearance during their conversations.

"I guess we're just going to have to wait and see!" Jane continued icing the cake, starting with her blue icing as she listened to Dirk. Their eyes matching their fonts? Now that it was brought to her attention, it did make sense. The thought never crossed her mind before! This meant that Roxy would have pink eyes and Jake would have green. There goes two of her theories if that was actually true! Albinos have pink eyes and really light blond hair, so that would mean her idea of Roxy being a brunette was way off the mark. Bye bye blue eyed Jake, it was nice knowing you.

Jane was going to ask to see his eyes, but Dirk didn't give her a chance. Orange eyes sounded really cool too. It was too bad, maybe she'd get to see them another time. "It should be ready really soon! I just have to add the orange and green." Jane smiled toothily back at Dirk. "Maybe you could get our dads? They haven't come down yet and I want us to all eat together." Jane knew her dad wasn't going to eat it, but he could at least sit with them while they enjoyed a piece.

-- ectoBiologist --

John watched as Dave pulled off his glasses and set them aside. It was too bad really, because now Dave's face was all blurry! Even though they were laying down facing one another Dave had become a blur of yellow and peach with some red where his eyes were. John didn't know why Dave was always wearing his shades. Yeah, his shades were cool or ironic or whatever, but his eyes looked so cool. If he had been born with those red eyes he'd always have it so that everyone could see them.

He closed his eyes and got comfortable. John hadn't realized he was this tired until just now. Being around Dave again is likely the reason. Had the people coming to his house been complete strangers he'd be on edge the entire day.

It didn't take too long for John to drift off, succumbing to sleep. As he slept he began to dream. He dreamt of times long past. He dreamt of simpler times where he would sit at a computer all day, just enjoying talking with his closest friends. He felt warm; such a nice feeling... Wait. He actually was getting warm. Soon he found himself at the top of a volcano and... this dream was getting really weird! Was this the Lord of the Rings? Looking over to his right John's eyes met with Dave's. Dave wasn't wearing shades, and he began walking towards him. As Dave strode closer he also started leaning forward and wow their lips were awfully close!

John's eyes snapped open. For a moment he lay there confused before he figured out he was curled up with Dave. Listening to Dave's breathing John could assume he was asleep and continued to lay in his arms. Moving would mean possibly waking Dave and he wouldn't want to do that! After all, Dave had a long trip and was really tired. No harm in letting the guy sleep a little longer.

So John decided to do as he was and stay curled up with Dave, listening to his breathing and heartbeat. Eyelids began to droop and John found himself falling asleep once more.

-- golgothasTerror --

Go with the one who'll put out the fasted... [i]oh[i/]. Jake's face turned a bright red at the suggestion Roxy was making. He averted his eyes, looking anywhere in the room but Roxy as he chewed at his bottom lip. Looking over taking a quick glance, he managed to catch her saying Dirk with a wink, carrying the most suggestive look upon her face. "Haha, um, quite the suggestion that is!" Jake stated, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Sometimes he wished his mind wasn't so... imaginative. With her suggestion came images of himself and Dirk he'd rather not have been there! He wasn't going to go into detail though, because that would mean thinking about it even more and that was what he didn't want to do, which was think about it.

He was sure he could like either of them, yes. Jake already liked them considerably as chums and the only difference that being in a relationship would entail is the romance.

Jake listened as Roxy described their friends. That definitely sounded like Dirk! Well, how he imagined him, aside from the tight line of a mouth. It seemed very odd to Jake that Dirk would never smile. He had always pictured the guy sitting at the computer smirking, and if not, then yes, a tight line, but still. It was a curious thought indeed! He was hopeful in thinking that Dirk would at least let loose around him when they meet up.

Her description of Jane was also pretty close to his!... Aside from the big boobs bit. Breast size wasn't exactly something he had focused on when imagining his two female friends... More so their faces. Jake looked down at his feet when Roxy grabbed her chest. It would be ungentlemanly of him to stare! She was under the influence of alcohol so whose to say she would have done so while sober? "I do believe we are similar in how we pictured our chums! To add, I believe Jane will be somewhat short as well."

"It is probable that once we have gotten together for a period of time she will be likely to loosen up." Jake grinned back at Roxy. "So what might we do to entertain ourselves whilst we await for tomorrow? It was too bad I was unable to bring my pistols with me! It would have been great fun to have let you try them!" Though now that he thinks about it, a drunk Roxy with guns probably wouldn't have been such a great idea. Maybe it was in their best interest that he was forced to leave them on the island.

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Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- Empty Re: Homestuck --the Alpha Kids--

Post by JENOVA's SOLDIER Wed May 23, 2012 11:44 pm


Dirk just watched Jane’s expression as she thought through everything that he had said. She seemed almost disappointed in what he said; either what he said sounded a lot more probable or she was wondering why he didn’t think the same way she did. Either way Dirk was quite confident that he would be right when it came to the descriptions if he had been so spot on with Jane. “I guess we will have to do just that…” he muttered more to himself. He couldn’t argue the fact that he was excited to meet the other two of their friends… for more reasons than one.

He adjusted his shades on the bridge of his nose, pressing them right up against his face. Maybe he shouldn’t have even brought up the whole eye colour thing. He could tell that Jane was curious to see if his eyes were actually as orange as he had just claimed them to be. She wouldn’t be let down if he did take off his shades. That just wasn’t something that was going to happen any time soon. He wanted Jake to be the first of their friends to see his eyes. Besides, he didn’t think Jane would be able to handle seeing his entire face; it would be a little bit too much for a girl to handle.

Dirk nodded as Jane said she only had to finish icing it. He cocked an eyebrow when she said he should go get their dads’. “If you think I should. I’ll be right back then I guess…” He said before standing up and stretching. He was a lot taller than Jane, but he had been pretty tall since he hit his first growth spurt when he was fifteen. He had been pretty short up until then, now he stood at about six feet tall. Even his Bro was only a couple inches taller than he was.

He walked out of the kitchen and headed up the stairs. He didn’t really know where the two men had disappeared too, but he assumed it wouldn’t take too much looking around to find them. He poked his head into every room before he finally found living beings in one of them. He sighed and rolled his eyes as he opened the door wider. Then he realized exactly what he was looking at. His jaw clenched and his face might have paled a little bit. Well he was now 100% positive that their fathers knew one another… He didn’t think he could wake them up. He looked around the room, briefly wondering if maybe this was a joke.

His eyes rested on Bro’s shades sitting on the table next to a pair of thick rimmed black glasses. Alright…this was no joke. They were legitimately asleep and legitimately wrapped around one another like some creepy old man tangle buddies. In an attempt to erase it from his mind Dirk just slowly backed out of the room and headed back downstairs.

He walked back into the kitchen. His skin had come back to its usual shade and he looked as calm, cool and collected as ever. “They’re both asleep. Like… completely out of it.” He said. He ran a hand through his hair as he sat back down. Damn his beautiful mind, unable to forget the image of Bro and Jane’s father tangled up together in their sleep. It could have been worse… of course… but thank fucking Jegus it wasn’t any worse, he was pretty sure he would not be the same person if it had been any worse than that.


Dave woke up only for a short second, a small groan leaving his lips. He kept his eyes closed, he was quite content with just feeling the fact that John was still there. He didn’t even need to see it to know that this was right. He did have to wonder what woke him up though. It didn’t seem as though John had moved. He cracked his eye open and looked around the room. The door was closed when it hadn’t been before. Ah, that made sense. He’d have to assume that Dirk had found them all fuckin’ cuddled up together. Whatever, Dave didn’t really care, he was just sort of upset that he didn’t get the chance to see the kid’s face when he walked into the room, was probably priceless.

Why had Dirk come into the room though? Glancing over as best he could, he could see that the bags had been undisturbed. If Dirk had really wanted something the fact that he had walked in on a rather awkward scene wouldn’t have stopped him. He must’ve wanted to talk to one of them. That just made it a little bit more amusing.

He leaned forward, towards John, and kissed his eyelid. “Hey, John.” He whispered directly into his ear. “Dirk walked in and saw us all curled up and intimate. What if he thinks we’re gay?” He said in a deep voice, blowing as much air as he could over the shell of John’s ear. He didn’t even know if it would wake him up, it would probably just end up sounding like a bunch of mumbling to the other man, not that Dave actually said it to mean anything in the first place.

Instead of removing himself from John though he stretched where he was and pulled the other man even closer pressing him up against his chest with a small hum of a post yawn sigh. “Think they wanna see us… fuck it…” He said with a small smirk, getting himself comfortable again, ready to fall back asleep. The smell of freshly baked cake was drifting through the entire house by this house, and despite how fucking amazing it smelled Dave would pick John over cake any day. Even if just barely…


Roxy couldn’t really see that Jake was indeed getting uncomfortable by the turn in the conversation, not noticing much of anything really. He barely even noticed what he was saying, she took it all in but it took her a while to process the words and come up with any sort of response to anything. She did have to think a little bit longer about the heights she pictured for their friends. “I dunno, I pictured her a lil’ taller than me.” She said as she thought about it. But Jake was quite a bit taller than she was so she would still be pretty short compared to Jake even if she was the height Roxy pictured her at.

“She better fuckin’ loosen up. She’d be sucha party pooper otherwise.” Again she had to walk herself through the long word, making sure it came out as an actual word and not some garbled mass of random sounds. She didn’t want Jane to be exactly the way she was when they talked on the computer, of course she loved Janey with all her heart but she really could be such a wet blanket sometimes.

When the conversation came around to what they should do to kill the time and Jake brought up the fact that he had to leave his pistols at home Roxy’s grin spread wide across her face and she laughed to herself. She stood up from her pile of stuffed cat wizards and walked across the room, stumbling forward slightly, tripping over her own foot, barely managing to catch herself on the desk before. She picked up the rifle that sat covered by a few loose sheets of paper and held it up. “This good nough?” She asked with a laugh. Clearly Jake had forgotten who he was talking too. Roxy was quite familiar with firearms herself, she just preferred the bigger ones.

“We could play some vidja games or shoot squirrels,” she had to walk herself through the word squirrel as well. She propped the weapon on her shoulder, pointing it up at the ceiling, her finger resting on the trigger. “Or we could gossip bout shit, or watch a movie or… uh… I could fix ya up a mean drink.” She said, trying to think of all the things they could do with the time they had to kill. She tapped the weapon on her shoulder and it went off without her realizing it would. “Holy fuck!” she shouted throwing the weapon out of her hands and right into Jake’s lap. It didn’t go off again or anything but it gave her one hell of a fright. Bits of the ceiling fell to the ground beside her and she just sort of stared blankly at them before up at the corresponding hole in the ceiling. “Uh… don’t tell mom bout that…” She muttered.


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Homestuck --the Alpha Kids-- Empty Re: Homestuck --the Alpha Kids--

Post by highViscosity Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:01 pm

-- gutsyGumshoe --

Jane watched as Dirk left the kitchen before turning back to her cake. It only took a few moments before she was finally done with the icing. Looking over the counter at the mess, she noticed that there was still a smidgen of white icing left in the bottom of the icing container. Well what good was it to waste icing! Taking the icing, Jane filled a small tube. Picking one of the finer tips, she attached it to the end. Turning back to the cake, she made quick work of adding TT, GT, TG, and GG onto the sides of the pastry in a decorated handwritten style. Perfect.

Taking the bowls and other baking supplies that were used, Jane put them quickly into the dishwasher. Looking back, Dirk had returned, but without their respective guardians.

A puzzled look crossed Jane's face as she pulled a cake cover out of a cupboard. "Really?" She could understand why Dirk's bro would be tired but not her own dad. From what she saw of him, he didn't seem too tired. "That's too bad. Looks like we're going to be eating without them." They'll... well, Dirk's bro'll maybe have a piece later. Jane wouldn't be surprised if her dad sleeping too was a way to get out of being anywhere near the cake.

Pulling a couple plates from another cupboard, Jane took to cutting the cake. But first of course, not before she run the knife under hot water! We don't want the cake sticking to the knife now do we!

Feeling the water was hot enough, Jane quickly held it under the tap for about 10 seconds. Turning off the tap and patting the knife dry with a paper towel, Jane moved back over to the cake and sliced it down the middle along the lines, sectioning it off into two halves. Oh no! She cut her section off from Jake's. Now it was her and Roxy's colour on one side and Dirk's and Jake's on the other. This was rather disappointing. She should have cut along the other line. It was too late now.

"About what sized piece would you like?" She asked, looking up at Dirk. It was always proper to serve one's self last when serving cake.

Jane couldn't wait to eat her piece. It had been forever since she last ate cake, specifically one made with Betty Crocker's mix.

-- ectoBiologist --

John scrunched his face slightly when Dave kissed his eyelid. He was only half asleep at the moment, so he was only really half aware of what was going on around him. Listening, he could hear Dave speaking. Was it to him? Yeah, sounded like it. A shiver went up his spine as he felt Dave's breath across his ear. There were only two things John was able to make out: one was his name; and two was gay. He buried his face into Dave. " 'mno omosexul." His words were muffled from sleep and his face kind of being full of Dave.

Well that was such a convincing statement, considering he was currently curled up in bed with his best bro. Completely heterosexual up in here.

He felt Dave stretch and pull him closer. It was actually a lot nicer than he thought, this position. Whenever he'd see a scene like this in movies all he could think of was how uncomfortable it would be to sleep so close to someone. Perhaps at first it was nice, but then their arms would get sore or something or blood circulation would be lost. Well, whatever Dave and him were doing, it was definitely comfortable!

John slowly came out of being half asleep to somewhat more aware of his surroundings. Maybe they were looking for them? Judging from how the smell had wafted into the room, Jane was probably done the cake. John made a face and stuck out his tongue to display his disgust. That probably wasn't a very good idea on his part. He currently had a face full of Strider and pretty much just licked Dave's shirt. Dave probably wouldn't care, hopefully he didn't notice either. It's not like he really licked his shirt, more like just slightly touched it with his tongue?

These thoughts are stupid. He is stupid.

Shutting his eyes, John decided to just try and fall asleep again. They'd get up when they get up. Hopefully Dirk didn't need to get anything from his luggage and Jane would not come looking for him. Judging from the light coming through the blinds, they hadn't been out too long anyway, so there was no sense in worrying.

-- golgothasTerror --

Jake watched as Roxy stumbled across the room. It was a wonder this girl hadn't completely fallen over onto her backside! Roxy picked up her rifle and Jake almost laughed at himself. Oh how silly of him! He had almost forgotten she was familiar with guns in all of the hubbub from travelling. Still, it was too bad he couldn't bring his own arms. The two of them could have challenged one another to best each other with their gunmanship. Jake wasn't one for larger guns, though he could still have a go with her rifle.

"What a splendid list of-" Jake was cut off as Roxy seemed to fire the rifle without realizing. Jake could only assume putting the safety on had slipped her mind when she last used the weapon. "Great Scot!" He shouted as the gun landed in his lap. He was certainly not expecting her to throw the thing. Had it landed any other way, terrible things might have happened that he'd rather not think about. "Goodness! That was quite the startle we both had there!" Jake took this as an opportunity to put the rifle into safety mode, albeit taking a couple moments to figure out how to do so. He wasn't as familiar with the body of a rifle.

He stared with Roxy at the bits of ceiling that had fallen onto the floor. Following the bits of dust and debris, Jake looked up at the now damaged ceiling. It could be worse! One or the both of them could have been injured during this little incident. They should consider themselves lucky.

Gun play was obviously off the list of things to do on the account of Roxy + Alcohol + Guns = bad results. Shooting poor innocent squirrels didn't really appeal to Jake so much as it was.

"Consider it done." Jake made the motion as if to zip up his lips, smiling toothily. Maybe she could put a wizard poster to cover the damage if she had one? "Perhaps we can watch a movie or play some video games? Oh yes! I brought some movies along with me. Unless of course you have a movie in mind that you would prefer we watch?" Jake really didn't have a preference for what movie they watched. As long as it was a movie, he was fine. Bonus points if the movie included females with a cerulean complexion.

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